From: Karen A. Hiller <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2018 4:47 PM
Subject: RE: Scan from a Samsung MFP
Subject: RE: Scan from a Samsung MFP
Henry – I have inquired further about the issue of Mr. McGinnis’s knowledge of the Development agreement. Assuming that he did know all about it, though.....if the City’s proverbial “ship” sailed long ago when they did a poor development agreement and failed to follow up....thought he development agreement did provide relief for the developer if the economy tanked. All personalities and mistakes aside, staff and planning commission’s recommendation to give the new owner some time can be defended.
Unfortunately, your impatience with the story and heavy volunteering that you should be given the site to develop......which, as you know, would have its own HUGE set of legal complications that would be virtually impossible to surmount.....has not helped your campaign.
Not saying what my opinion is, or pre-declaring a vote.....that’s simply what I have heard and observed so far. Probably not what you want to hear....but probably a similar story that you would get from others.
Open to something legal that would change that story.
From: []
Sent: Friday, July 6, 2018 11:00 AM
To: Karen A. Hiller
Subject: RE: Scan from a Samsung MFP
Sent: Friday, July 6, 2018 11:00 AM
To: Karen A. Hiller
Subject: RE: Scan from a Samsung MFP
What have you been advised?
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