Tuesday, May 8, 2018


 From: Henry McClure <mcre@cox.net> 
Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2018 11:46 AM
To: 'Brent Trout' <btrout@topeka.org>; 'Douglas Gerber' <dgerber@topeka.org>
Cc: 'Bill Fiander' <bfiander@Topeka.org>; 'Mike Hall' <mhall@Topeka.org>; 'council@topeka.org' <council@topeka.org>; 'Cook, Kevin' <Kevin.Cook@snco.us>; 'bob.archer@snco.us' <bob.archer@snco.us>; 'lrobbins@tps501.org' <lrobbins@tps501.org>
Subject: FW: Open Records Request

We know now the original developer didn’t assign the development agreement at closing to the City of Topeka to the new owner.

The site plan is an exhibit to the development agreement that went through the TIF process. The stakeholders that approved the TIF are expecting 8 buildings to be build on the subject property.

The development agreement is in default; why wouldn’t the new owner not have to go back through the TIP process to amend the district?

Public monies were used to acquire the land, demo the improvement and add the infrastructure to make the site shovel ready for 8 townhomes. The community needs to hold the new owner accountable to the development agreement. It is the duty of the City to have the new owner sign the development agreement.

The development agreement issues and the Private Public partnership issues need to be cleaned up before planning could ever consider a zoning case to use a TIF district land for a Bark Park. If the new owner does not want to build on those 8 lots they should be offered to the public.

Mitigating the damages of a $310,000 shortfall in the TIF bonds should be paramount in the minds of the stewards of the public monies.

Henry McClure

From: Henry McClure <mcre@cox.net>
Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2018 11:14 AM
To: 'Brenda Younger' <BYounger@Topeka.org>
Subject: Open Records Request

Please send me a copy of the legal opinion that will allow a zoning case to move forward on the property attached to this email.

Thank you.

Henry McClure
785.383.9994 Direct
Time Kills Deals

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