Wednesday, November 2, 2016

City Manager - Topeka Kansas - This is a great 1st Post

The City of is contemplating filling the position of City Manager. Let's be clear from the start the author believes we should make the Deputy City Manager or now it Interim City manager the full time "City Manager".

Should we search for a City Manager looking for work? That is the Question at hand. If the Deputy was not capable of being City Manager then we hired the wrong Deputy Manager. This is the wild west when the "Sheriff" got shot you take of his badge and pinned it on the closest deputy and welcomed him to the job.

Topeka needs to stop looking outside of answers and let greatness emanate from within. This is a great opportunity to let nature take it course. We can save money by giving the Interim a modest raise and let him grow.

Topeka needs to stop thinking we are helpless and only outsiders can tell us how to live. Take it from me we have it pretty good as far as quality of life goes. California has great weather yet you spend so much of you time in your car,

With that said:

The head of human resources for our city recommended to City Council last night we engage an executive search firm to fill the position of City Manager. For the record the deal she said we should do we would have to pay 30% of the annual salary as a commission just the hive the Interim full time.

She should turn in her resignation. She just said she in not qualified to do her job. She should be elated to have to opportunity to have a hand in hiring her boss. She does not get it or she is part of the problem and not the solution. Living proof of the Peter principal.


To: Jeff Cohen

Give the Interim a chance. He has a track record in garden city and we should make a practice of promoting from within.

Henry McClure